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We found Kate in the summer of 2022 via a recommendation from someone on Instagram. We messaged Kate to ask if she had any boys left from her most recent litter (born July 2022) and thus began our journey to welcoming our beloved Norman into our family. ❤️
Kate was fantastic, sending us lots of information and photos, and really vetting us to make sure her pups went to their perfect home.
Once we had chosen our pup from pictures, we went down to visit him, Kate and Beanie in person, which was so lovely and very reassuring to meet his siblings and see where the pups had been born and raised.
Kate added us to a WhatsApp group with the fellow “pawrents-to-be” and kept us all up to date with daily videos and photos of the litter (highlight of our day whilst counting down to collect our little man). The group has since proved really supportive for queries anyone has had since getting the pups home, and Kate is fantastic at responding quickly to anyone’s questions or worries.
We feel SO lucky to have stumbled upon Coots Dachshunds and really feel part of a community of sausage dog lovers who want the best for their pups. Kate hosted the Coots alumni at her annual party and it was so lovely to meet Norman’s siblings and other Coots dogs, as well as see Kate and her family again.
Would recommend Kate without a doubt, and when we come to thinking about adding a second sausage to our family, we would think of nowhere else to go but Coots. Thank you Kate for giving us the gift of our Norman, and all the support you’ve provided alongside.

Love Hannah, Jon & Norm xxx
