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We are very familiar with daschhounds and already have a beautiful girl named Riva. We wanted to find her a soulmate and have looked for almost 2 years, both where we live in Norway and abroad. I came across Coots through my searches and this kennel I must say really caught my eye. You will have to look long and hard to find a more professional and caring setting than what they so proudly have at Coots. I felt very insecure and uncertain obtaining a dog from abroad, but the lovely people at Coots answered every question and laid to rest any concern that I had and thankfully so, as we fell head over heels the first time we laid eyes on our River Rosé. She was just gorgeous! It is without a doubt a first class breeder, but equally important, the way they treat and train their dogs is exquisite. Our first meeting with our gorgeous little lady was fantastic, she was ever so trusting and so very loving. We are truly in LOVE with her and thank Coots from the bottom of our hearts for this cheeky and charming Coots girl that is such a treasure to our lives. Coots comes highly recommended ?
